перевести   11 лет назад

Ancient Rome The centurions looked around in awe As the horses came in trotting They were ordered by the law To know the visitors' plotting. The horses neighed and came to a halt As the gate was almost closed The lions were being readied to bolt At the hands of maidens, hosed. The prisoner stood as if he was A statue from granite The audience cheered wanting his blood To give its shade to the night. The lions came out in a roar Speeding by the need to feed The audience cheered as the hero stood Expecting him to bleed He looked straight into their eyes As the lions came so close They stopped their chase only when Their noses touched his nose They were kept in a cage just like him And now they are all free Now they felt with a dawning thought Some sort of camaraderie The Collosium became so silent As centurions came in line They killed the man and the beasts And Rome commenced its decline.

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