Translate   11 years ago

Book 1 In progress I woke up to the sound of the bustling market rolled out of my bed and went to the window and rubbed my eyes and yawned. I saw the market people pushing and shoving just to get around, I smelt the warm bred and cracking bore, I'm starving I whispered to myself. I shut the window and went to my table picked up my trousers and my top and reluctantly put them on and slowly walked down Stairs to fined a note on the table it red... "I've go to work I have left some food in the cupboard, then he'd to the smiths I have a job for you" Ps: bring the 20 gold from the pot the brown one it's by the fire. -unk- I picked up the note and shoved it into my pocket then walked over to the fire there was 2 pots I lifted the one on the right and there was nothing under it just a lot of dust I placed it down and stepped to the other one and picked that up and there was a small brown leather pouch. I shoved it to the side with my foot and placed the pot back down carefully. Then I picked it up and went to the table and pored it out and started to count the gold there was 20 peaces of glimmering gold. I placed each one into the pouch and put it into my pocket with the note.

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