Childhood "Childhood" That Age of curiosity when a curious mind would still marvel at blue colour of the sky colours of the rainbows bright stars adorning the sky at the night and the magical stories. That Age of innocence When an innocent eye would still discern good in people irrespective of their colour and when one doesn't sell prayers for gold and silver doesn't sell kisses and hugs for the prize Doesn't count the time one spends with friends and family That Age of carefreeness When you live in the present Don't ruminate about the yesterday and Don't worry about the tomorrow That Age of happiness When your cup of joy would be overflowing with making paper aeroplanes and boats making castles of the sand blowing bubbles of soap drawing a picture of stickmen possessing rolling glass marbles and listening to the magical stories. That Age of believing When a pure mind like the raiment of an angel without any doubts and cavils would still believe in Kingdom of Heaven World of magic Mercy of God Wisdom of elders and Values of honesty, love, kindness and compassion Alas...when one loses this age of bliss and magic wisdom of all mystics, science, philosophers and religions would flounder to help you to regain this state of abundance and innocence you were born with.

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