Translate   11 years ago

Dreams I heard the thunder crack as the sky lit up outside of my window. "I hate storms." I muttered as I tried to sleep. They're so creepy. I couldn't stop thinking about all of the creatures I would meet if I walked out there. An eerie tapping noise started on my window. I fell asleep to the thoughts of what could be making that bone chilling noise. I crawled out if bed the next morning and gasped as my feet hit the chilled tile floor beneath my bed. When I looked in the mirror, I was horrified at what I saw. Staring back at me was a terrible creature. It had a yellow face and no mouth. Where it's mouth should be was sewn shut with its ugly sharp teeth poking out. As I put my hand on the mirror, it didn't follow along. Just started to curl it's sewn up hole into a twisted grin. It broke the strings holding it's mouth together and open the large gaping hole of a mouth. Then I felt a jolt. That's when I woke up for real. I had a cold sweat and I could hear my heart beating. As I slowly stood up and felt the cold tile again, I peeked over to the mirror. I was somewhat surprised by what I saw. It was me, just it was very obvious I just got up. I brushed my hair and got ready for school. When I got to school, I told my best friend about what happened. "Flash, you are in 11th grade. These things shouldn't hang on your shoulders like this!" She told me as if it was unusual to be frightened by a dream. "But Scarlett, it seemed so real! You should know about this! I mean you are an investigator of the supernatural, right?" I said trying to get her to sympathize. "Wait, how real did it seem?" Scarlett cautiously asked. "Very real. Like I even woke up in a cold sweat!" I said. Since she knew this never happens, she should be able to help me. "Flash, I will be over after school. We will talk then." She said even though we have EVERY class together. "Why don't we talk about it here?" I questioned. She replied with " it's not safe." And at that, we sped off to 1st period. During lunch, we sat alone together like usual. We didn't say a word about the dream. Later on, around 5-ish Scarlett arrived. "Okay, let's get busy." We said in unison, adding the slightest of giggles. We sat on my bed and pulled out our investigating notebooks. "Have you ever had a dream like this?" I asked her. "Yes, as a matter if fact I have. My first one occurred around the age of eight. I have only had about three. Have you had one before this?" She replied. "Yeah, I have. When u was.... Eight. This is the third one..... What does this mean?" I asked as we both wrote the information down in our notebooks. "Flash, calm down. I have a theory. You can see the supernatural. The dreams, the signs, that's it! YOU CAN SEE THE DEAD AND UNDEAD!" Scarlett realized and shouted. We both scribbled in our notebooks. "Scarlett, you mean I'm like you? No. No! I can't be! I don't want to be! How can I stop this curse?!" I screamed. "Flash! Contain yourself! You are fine. I reacted the same way. It will take some time, but I will train you. I can be like your mentor!" She said trying to clam me. It worked. "Okay. I'm ready to start my career in hunting the supernatural." I said. Scarlett ended up sleeping over. We were up most of the night practicing. "Scar I think in really getting the hang of this!" I said while studying a demon through a hole in my shed. "Faster then me, anyway!" She said. We both laughed. "Ready to go on a hunt?" She excitedly asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Meet me at my house tonight. Bring the stuff I gave you." She said secretively. I nodded and told her bye. We agreed to meet at 7:30. When the clock struck seven, I was off. Once I got to Scarlett's, we hopped in her car and headed to the middle of the woods. "What was that howling noise?" I nervously asked. "You heard that? Oh wait, of course you heard that because you are GIFTED!" She whisper shouted. I giggled as we started to walk further as I realized she never answered my question. I felt a rush of sheer excitement and terror sweep over me as I came face to face with a creature. Not just any creature, THE creature. The one that I feel has been following me for the past three months. The one I saw in the mirror in my dream. I've seen it before. I am now confessing that I've saw the creature before. But the dream was the first time I've actually SEEN it. I've seen it in books, movies, pictures. A lot of places. "Flash, was there a storm before the dream?" Scarlett asked. "Yeah and there was a strange tapping on my window!" I answered. "FLASH! RUN! YOU CANT BE OUT HERE ITS NOT SAFE FOR YOU!" She screamed. I started running with her following close behind. I felt a hand grab my waist and that's all I can remember. When I woke up I was in Scarlett's car. "How long was I out?" I asked groggily. "Just a few minutes. Atleast this happened early so you can still hunt. If you want to.." She said. "OF COURSE I WANT TO! That was awesome. What grabbed me though?" I was really excited at the time. "It was the thing." Scarlett said. I nodded my head because that's what I figured. "Okay I have news. We are moving to a ghost town!" Scarlett exclaimed. "Ummm....?" I asked, quite confused. "They're full of all that stuff!" Scar explained. "Let's go!" I said as we drove off towards our new destination, no extra clothes or anything, just our gear and our hearts full of demon killing power.

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