Translate   11 years ago

Forever Is Forever I remember exactly how I felt the day you first talked to me, asking if I would go on a date with you. It was one of those feelings where I couldn't contain the excitement that rushed over me. That was the day my #life actually began. Now it's been three years. Three years! And we are getting married in 2 months. Yeah, we just got out of college, but hey, that's okay. Love has no limits. I haven't even given myself time to introduce myself through all of this rambling! My name is Jesse, and I am 22 years old. My fiancé is named Joshua and is the age of 23. Our wedding day is January 19th, 2016. We live in a beautiful house in Tennessee, in the middle of well, basically nowhere. Well now that you know is, let's continue! "We both need to get jobs." Josh said walking into the kitchen. "I'm working on it! I have to see if I get that job at the auto garage." I replied, flipping the half cooked pancakes. "Have you even gotten any offers?!" I added. "Well... Umm.... No, not yet. But hey, I'm looking! You can't blame me!" He said rubbing his arm with guilt. "Well.. I was going to get mad at you, but you are too cute!" I said as I left the pancakes; which were probably burnt; and walked over to give him a kiss. After we ate and got dressed, we started working on our wedding plans. "Okay, here is what we have so far. We have to be at the church at 3:45, and the ceremony starts at 40." I said running over our list. "Why do we have to wait so long?!" Josh whined. I tousled his blackish-brownish hair and reassured him it wouldn't honestly be that long. After a few hours of planning, a thought came over me. As I pulled my long straight hair back, I stammered "what about the rings?! CRAP HOW COULD WE HAVE FORGOTTEN THE RINGS?! THAT IS ALMOST THE MAIN PART OF THE WEDDING!!" Josh laughed and said " Jesse, we picked up the rings last week!" I was just so frazzled I couldn't think straight. This continued for the whole two months leading up to the wedding. And finally, the day arrived. My bridesmaids looked beautiful. Everyone looked stunning. Simply amazing! Then it happened: the clock struck 4! We all got lined up and as we walked down the isle I got more anxious with each step. My dad handed me off to josh. The wedding went on. Then the words. "You may now kiss the bride." I was so happy I almost screamed! I remember it like it was yesterday! But, it was 52 years ago. Yeah, I'm 73 now! But, forever is forever.

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