Traducciones   11 años

Alone In The Wild There was three best friends called Jasmine, Chloe and Lucy.They were going on a play date together, when they got there they played for at least three hours! Their mum's agreed that they were old enough to anyway. So they went to Goldenseal park. Suddenly, out of the dark two men grabbed them by their arms and hauled them into a van. The two men dropped them into the boot and slammed it closed if they had tried to get out they would have badly hurt their fingers. So then they sat there in the darkness, waiting, just waiting, what would happen next. Just then they heard one of the men say something on a phone "I got the three girls you wanted, there right in the trunk,". "What do you mean you wanted three boys!". And then there was silence. The car stopped at halt in the middle of the forest. They heard a door slam, the boot open and they hauled them out of the boot and they threw them next to a tree and left. They started to cry and cry and cry. " Jasmine, this is all your fault if we hadn't have gone out to that stupid park, Goldenseal park what kind of name is that!" howled Chloe. "What's wrong with you Jasmine!" cried Lucy. "I was only trying to have some fun! Jasmine said sobbing.

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