Tradurre   11 anni fa

Geography Connects To #life What role does geography have in our lives? Is there a connection with where we live and our #life's work? Does the place we live have any connection to the time we are living? Have you ever felt at home in a perfectly strange place? Do you yearn to live far away? Perhaps there is great purpose in one locale that doesn't reside in another. I believe 'location' has an almost Divine connection to #life and its ultimate purpose upon the earth. Many men and women of great accomplishment state they were in the right 'place' at the right time. Strangely, the Jewish people felt compelled to move to Israel, even before the Holocaust. Spontaneous #life and miraculous growth occurred there in a few short years after being declared a State in 1948 - military, industrial, cultural, and economic growth occurred, almost cataclysmically. In Europe they were massacred as a defenseless people, in Israel they became a world power overnight. Names like Jobs and Gates may not be household names if the time and place of their lives had been different. The name J.P. Morgan may never been known beyond the boundaries of a small southern town had his pulse not been on the financial markets in New York City, where he grew up.

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