перевести   11 лет назад

A Demons Smile Breathe, just breathe. It'll keep you alive, right? Think, just think. It'll keep you smiling, right? Smile, just smile. It'll make you better, right? But what if it won't, what if the smoke just never sunk deep enough. What if your ghost is still lingering around mine. What if that last kiss was not a metaphor for triumph but a sign of defeat. Blood that shows more pride then shame. Beauty whisps up tornadoes big enough to swallow us whole but we can't be swallowed if we have no soul. Sat staring into the darkness the only light we have left is the light reflecting in each others eyes, whether love or Hatrid, clear or clouded, a ghost or shadow. When you jump, your dragging me with you, even if I have to pull us both out on my own. Whenever you feel someone watching you, it's not superstition or fear, it's me. Your angel. Decisions struck by anger, and demons disguised with smiles, even when I'm lying, you'll forever know, my love for you will never die.

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