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Chapter Two: The Attack Dec 12th 1795 Jacob and Lance had to camp out that night. Lance said they had at least seven hours until they reached his house. It was around eight o'clock when they set up a place where they could sleep. They cleared off the snow on the ground near them. "We need a fire "said Lance." It will be even colder at night." He said getting out some flint. Jacob pulled out his sword and started to shave off some of a tree. He got all the pieces of wood and set them in a clear area. Lance struck his armor with the flint and sparked a flame. After Jacob and Lance sat and relaxed. Lance said,"That flame is nice, don't you think so?" "Oh, yes indeed it is!"exclaimed Jacob,"so do you want to take watch or sleep?" Asked Jacob. He thought for a moment then replied,"You can sleep, I am good. I'll wake you at three." Jacob rolled over and was gone within minutes. Jacob had a terrible dream that night, about Lance. But he was about seven as he was when he lost his memory. He was standing in a house, that was on fire. He stared down on a women who seemed to be his mother. He began to cry and sob. He looked up and saw a hairy horned beast staring at him. It had arms like a human, and stood like a man. But yet, had the intentions of a destructive, killing animal. It picked him up and put him in a burlap sack. Running out the door he hit every wall insight, destroying the house completely. Inside the bag a hiss was heard by Lance. He moved and scrambled away from it. But the snake popped up and bit him on the leg. Lance screeched in pain. He grabbed the snake and twisted its neck, cracking every bone in its body. He broke out of the sack and ran for his #life. But wasn't very fast, due to the bite on his leg. He ran for a long time before collapsing and fainting. Jacob awoke sweating, with Lance above him. He learned over and puked all over the tree he was next to. "Are you okay?" Asked Lance. "Yeah just bad dream." Said Jacob. "What happened?" Asked Lance. "It's a long story" replied Jacob. "Do you need to rest more, I'm not tired?" said Lance," Go back to sleep, okay?" "No, it's my turn, besides, I fell better now." Said Jacob. Lance didn't argue with Jacob. He fell asleep within minutes. Jacob sat in the cold winter snow with barely any warmth. He shivered and put his hands near the fire. Jacob became dozy. He heard a raspy voice say,"Good night!" Then he blacked out. When Jacob came to, he was tied up against a tree. Lance was behind him tied to the same rope. Jacob saw a man stealing out of Lance's satchel. He didn't say anything, and pretended to be asleep. Jacob felt tugging at his wrists, it was probably Lance. He whispered over his shoulder and said," What happened? I thought you had it under control." Lance sighed and said, "I have a knife in my pocket. Take it and cut the rope." Jacob did as he was told he took the knife and began to cut. He didn't want any more trouble with Lance. Jacob became nervous as the man turned around and looked straight at Jacob. Jacob squinted as if asleep. He studied the man who robbed us, he had a robe on, also a big sword at his side. He began to approach Jacob. Jacob began cutting faster. The rope fell to the men's feet. Jacob lunged at the man, trying to stab him. The man dodged and struck with his fist. Jacob winched and began to strike more. Lance snuck behind him and kneed the robber's back. "Awwwow!" six reached the man. Jacob knew he needed to strike. He jabbed at the man with the knife in hand. Just as the knife was about to make contact, the man disappeared. Lance and Jacob stood starstruck. The man had their food and weapons. "We need to get to my home quick, before something else happens." Said Lance. They grabbed what was left and started to walk. "That was crazy, how did you fall asleep?" Asked Lance. "I didn't I became dizzy and was knocked out by him!" Explained Jacob. "Oh so you just suddenly became dizzy, and let him knock you out?" Argued Lance. " I didn't have any control over myself!" Said Jacob. Lance didn't say anything for a while until finally saying,"Whatever lets just keep walking." "Sorry, I let you down," said Jacob," I didn't mean for that to happen." "It's okay, I should have had you armed anyway." Lance Apologized. Jacob and Lance didn't say anything else the rest of the night. Dec 13th, 1795 Jacob thought that the walking would never end. They finally reached Lance's house. But, Lance's house wasn't a house, it was a castle. With doors that lead to more doors. There was a laboratory with potions brewing and wizards casting spells. There was also a blacksmith with swords and axes. The blacksmith was making silver and gold armor. It was brand new, right out of the fire. Jacob wanted it so bad. But, Jacob had to be glad for what he had. Lance ran inside and sat down to eat. He had been complaining for the last day about how hungry he was. Jacob walked inside and sat down next to Lance. They were brought food to by an old man with a grey goatee that went down to his chest. He was wearing a cap that was very strange. It looked like a box with a slip for your head. He was also wearing a robe that dragged across the ground as he walked. "Thank you!" Said both the men. "Your welcome!" Said the man. "Is this your father?" asked Jacob. "Yes, I am his "father" so to speak." Said Lance's father. "What is your name so I can address you properly?" Asked Jacob. "My name is Draggoff." He answered. The name hit Jacob like a boulder. He couldn't eat his food. He began to choke on some meat. "Okay, Draggoff." said Jacob," I think I'm done with my food. Thank you for the meal." Jacob ran to the bathroom and threw up. The name Draggoff just made him shiver.He came back out to see no one there. He went into the back yard and found a training court. Lance and his father were training with a big axe. Other men were training with all kinds of weapons. "Come join us in training," said Draggoff. Jacob grabbed a pair of long knives that seemed to be made out of solid gold. "Ahhhh," said the old man," so this is what you chose. Those are very excellent swords." he said. Now he walked to a block of wood. He sliced at it. It went through like butter! He walked to another one, but this one was steal. Chop! Again went through like nothing was there. The old man, Draggoff, walked to him. "Those are enchanted blades." He said, "These blades can kill the unkillable. One of a kind." Jacob stared at the majestic, sparkling blades. He loved the power it possessed. "Would you like to pick out some armor, to keep asked Draggoff. Jacob felt blessed as he asked," Would you mind?" "Not at all!" The man replied. They walked to the blacksmith's again. Jacob saw the same armor as earlier. "Do you see anything you like?" Asked the nice man. "That one" said Jacob. He pointed to the silver and gold armor. It had spikes on the arms for defense. The helmet was a lift up silver helmet with a gold face mask. The top had a couple of wings that were also gold. "So be it!" Exclaimed Draggoff. The blacksmith handed him the armor. It was light like a feather. He put it on. It was very large. Then it shrunk down perfectly to his size. "This is also enchanted, it is light but is durable. Fits perfectly to any person. And fixes itself with magic."said Draggoff. Jacob walked to Lance as he attacked a piece of solid steel. "Hello" said Lance as Jacob approached. He put down his weapon. "Hi, Lance" said Jacob," sooooo" Jacob sighed, "Do you remember anything before you were seven? Asked Jacob. "Nothing really but my name, fighting, and one other horrific memory." Sighed Lance. "Sorry if this offends you but could you share the memory to me?" Asked Jacob. "Why?" Asked Lance. "Because I had an extremely horrifying dream last night when we were camping out." Explained Jacob. All of a sudden they heard a horn. Enemies jumped over the walls. Disgusting ogres and goblins stole weapons and potions. Giants threw boulders that were set on fire. Dragons picked up trainers and threw them into the sky. Giant wolves ate people alive. The castle was crumbling to the ground. They needed an escape route. Jacob gathered everyone he could find. They all had at least a weapon or a shield. Jacob, Lance, Draggoff, and others attacked what was in their way. A giant had already destroyed a wall so the team just went through that. As they ran a wolf attacked Dragoff , biting and snipping at him. Lance decapitated the wolf and pushed the body off. Draggoff got up slowly. He limped on one leg. "What's wrong dad?" Asked his son. Draggoff revealed the back of his leg. A giant gash was all the way across his leg. Lance carried his father so he could be free of pain. A dragon just flew over head, it flew right into the castle destroying what was left of it. Tears came to Lance's eyes. Jacob had a hard time not crying too. All of a sudden humongous bear like creature attacked a man with it's tail putting a horn through his chest. The beast swung the tail almost killing Jacob. He threw one sword at the bear, it went straight into it's neck. It snarled and charged. Others backed away from the vile creature. Jacob flung himself onto it slicing and stabbing. Jacob took out the sword that was lodged in the bears neck and stabbed with both swords at the same time. Both blades went straight through the neck. The beast fell with a thud, rattling the ground. Snow went in every direction. Others pushed towards another animal of the same species. But Jacob knew better. They had to get to safe grounds. So he got all of the others attention and ran for their lives.

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