Translate   11 years ago

Argo: Destroyer Of Men Chapter One: The Man...... Dec. 12th 1795 As the man ran through the cold, winter, forest, he fought off grotesque creatures with his bronze sword. He stumbled many times but managed to get up. He struggled to go on, but reluctantly kept going. As he turned around to strike a humongous Snake like creature lunged at him. He slipped but got up in time to dodge the strike.He then sliced it near the neck. It shook it's head and hissed. The cut he had just made, healed. He became worried, would he die? He heard a voice in his head. It whispered softly and said,"We cannot be killed but, will kill you Jacob Raid!" This was weird because he had never said his name. It then said," We know everything about you!" Suddenly a man came out of nowhere with a glistening sword and armor. The snake changed targets and attacked. He jumped atop of his head and stabbed it's eye. Weirdly it didn't heal like it did when Jacob had attacked. It hissed and screamed. He then reached in a pouch at his side. He pulled out a bottle with a green substance inside. He poured it in the eye of the snake. It then froze dead in its tracks. He then sliced off the head of the snake and hopped off. He took of his helmet and shivered. He was a blonde long haired man. Jacob stood in awe at the man who had saved his #life. He tried to speak but could not. He finally managed," You saved me!" The man just shrugged and walked on. But Jacob ran to him asking," What is your name?" Or,"How did you do that?" And, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "I don't know." Said the man. "What do you mean" said Jacob. After a while the hero replied," I don't know. I call myself Lance though. But I lost my memory when I was seven. I didn't know my name or where I was from. Then a man found me in these woods and brought me to his home. I have lived with him since then always and I will always live there. So they walked and talked until for a long time. He began to recognize the snow piles. It seems they passed the same tree a thousand times. They finally reached Lance's house.

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