Translate   11 years ago

13/12/12 why the harsh treatment ? today i relised that my enamey is more of a enamy than ever now coz i did not get her a xmas presant even though she treats me so badly and did not give me one she still expected to get one . so this lunch i hang out with my mates and had a pritty shitty time as loki was sad again about her x (they broke up a week ago ) and martina as normal was just sitting there like a mindless zombie domi was comforating loki and faustyna was (as normal ) messing with jazz playing a game this then left me on my own as i sat in the corner watching jazz take all my friends away some where else leving me on my own . but when the bell rang i saw my dad and he took me supprise skiing i was so happy everything just left my head.that is why i will now take that up as a hobby but anyway today i learned that what goes around comes around and that if somone is mean to u one day then on the same or next day someone will be nice to u .

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