Translate   11 years ago

The Magic Baer. One day there was a bear not just any bear a magic bear. His name was bramble. He loved eating magic porridge. One day the bear made some magic porridge it was to hot for him to eat. The next day he went to the forest and forgot about the porridge a little boy named joe Paris smelt some thing he followed the smell and it led him to a little cottage in the woods. He got a spoon and tried some porridge it tasted lush he ate it all up ever single bite. He felt really funny. The bear came back and saw the little boy he grew and he grew and he grew until he was as tall as a giant. The bear grew and grew and grew as tall as a cloud. He got a bite made at the little boy they were both the same hight and started a fight. The bear got a mettle pole and hit the little boy across his face he got a great big brews.The boy got a steel pole and waked him over his belly. He fell over and real Hirt him self. A hunter barged trough the door and saw the bear he was really friendly but the boy enjoyed him and the bear got made. The hunter put the bear to sleep in his little soft bed. The little boy ran away before the hunter could see him. He ran to the boys catering home. He told every single boy and they ran and told there foster parents they told there mum and dad and they all lived happily ever after

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