Watching The Weight Sitting here and thinking, When did all this weight creep on, Maybe it was due to the dominoes, I wolfed down in one go, Or even the damn Chinese, That I didn't think would show. Now my jeans feel smaller, Have they shrunk down in the wash? I know!!! ...I'll buy some leggings! They are stretchy don't you see, Doesn't matter what size you are, There's enough room for both you and me. Ok enough is enough, Something has got to be done, I can't keep eating this junk food, And dribbling over that hot cross bun. I guess its time for weight watchers, Yep!! That's the one for me, I'm signing up to monthly pass, I wonder what difference I'll see. So now i've been at weight watchers For a little over 19 weeks, I fell in love with the total plan, And the volume that it speaks. During my time at weight watchers, I've met many a friendly face, All of them with the same purpose, Of jeans that could do with additional space! My leader Tracey is lovely, And always sets us on the right path, She's such an inspirational woman, And always there for right good laugh. Anyways as I was saying, I reached my 50lbs lost tonight, When I started off at weight watchers, I wasn't sure if my goal was even in sight. Now my goal looks realistic, I can see it just over the hill, I've got a few stone to lose to get there, But because of weight watchers I know I will!

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