Tradurre   11 anni fa

Flight(y) I run away Again and again Too much, I think too often You cannot turn back now But I- I've never learned the lesson Of just where the line was drawn Can I really go back? Or the line was in the sand, useless after all Everyone has facets- Diamonds so often, or just The common quartz Mine is to them so stubborn- So stubborn, even after convincing I will always run You keep coming back to me? I'm so pleased But then you go away And I realize that after all Your limits of caring are only passing But at least you have them So I am happy. And I will keep running away To see if one day you will Just keep on coming back. I understand you have a heart You don't hear me when I insist I don't The 'sweet movies' you want to watch- I can't stand them For how foolish a system To give wings after every bell After every cat pouncing, door ringing, instrument jangling? Too much for me. Or sheer stupidity of plans Never guaranteed to work Without safeguards or backups I cannot watch 'romance~~~!' Without wincing, for these people So led by their emotions Do not think of consequences You are one of them And that's you But I will keep Running away.

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