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The Most Moderate Of Days CHAPTER 1 (A Story By YOU) BEFORE NOTE: After this chapter, the entire story will be controlled by YOU. Comment ideas for the next chapter below and I will put the best ones into the next chapter. Remember, anything can happen, so choose the next chapter wisely. You may contribute characters, events, settings, etc. Credit will be given to the contributors of the published chapter. So, with that, sit back, read, enjoy, and let imagination take hold. MEDIOCRITY Our story takes place in the town of Cafhen. Nobody knows where this town truly is, but who cares? It's a mediocre town, run by mediocre people, who live mediocre lives. Let's meet our first mediocre citizen named Laverne. Laverne is 16. The perfect age, am I correct? A mediocre height of 5' 2," a mediocre shade of brown brown for her hair, mediocre green eyes, and a mediocre overall look. Laverne never takes too much interest in #life for her thoughts are merely mediocre. One day, a radical young man came into the town. He was quite surprised by the sheer appearance of the town. It looked like a handsome suburb, but strangely, everything still seemed... Mediocre. As he continued to venture into the town further, he began to have a peculiar feeling about the town. Something didn't seem right, but he couldn't quite tell what. The man decided to investigate his feelings, so he entered into the local café. There he laid his eyes upon a gentle, kind looking employee. She looked about 16. He approached her with ease. "Young miss, I am new to this town. I can't help feel that there's something strange, but wonderful about it. I have made no friends here yet, so I thought to make you the first. What is this place?" She looked at him quizzically, "This is Cafhen. There's really nothing special about this town. #life isn't very exciting here. I'm just here trying to make something of myself, but then again, I'm a worker here." The young man smiled listening to the soothing tone of her voice. "If you want to make something of yourself, then why are you here if you don't like it? What do you want out of #life." With mediocre, sparkling green eyes she said, "I want to stand out. I want to change something, but I can't quite tell what. Anyways, I have work to be done, but welcome to town. Would you like a coffee or a pastry as a welcome gift?" "Yes, that sounds wonderful." Now, you are probably asking yourself why this man is here, and why does he take interest in the mediocrity of Laverne. Don't ask me. Laverne fixed the young man a coffee, but as she did so, she analyzed him carefully. She was full of curiosity about him (such as we all are). He seemed to be a man about in his thirties. He was wearing a a green and navy blue flannel with a hideous brown t-shirt underneath. His jeans clung to his calves tightly and his shoes indicated he had done much walking. They were torn sneakers with much dirt covering the tops. Could he be a traveler? Or had he simply just moved into town. Laverne couldn't tell how to perceive him, but he did seem kind. There seemed to be no bad intention in him, but she began to think about his question. What did she really want out of #life? Laverne handed him a steaming coffee and he sipped it with a warm smile. How could he be so happy in this mediocre town? What made him fancy #life? Why does he want to be here? "I never caught your name." She said in an awkward manner. "I'm Fredrick." "Nice to meet you then, Fredrick. I'm Laverne. I hope you enjoy the coffee." "I am, thank you very much." He started to get up in preparation to leave. Then, Laverne felt something fluttering in her stomach. She didn't want this man to leave. His peculiarity had struck her interest too much. She couldn't tell why, but he did. As he headed for the door, she said, "I hope to see you again. Maybe I can answer your questions better next time, and maybe the coffee will be better too." Fredrick laughed a bit to himself, "I'm happy to be welcomed so warmly. Thank you, miss." He pushed the door and walked out feeling jaunty as ever. This town may be mediocre, but it's a sweet town. He wanted to keep searching for the mysteries behind the town, and he knew he would be stopping by to see Laverne again soon.

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