Truth. (5 Minute Free Write) Today is a victory, for Defeat They said. Well, they were wrong, For We, are not dead. Unity is more than an elaborate dream, or a fabricated scheme, Of intelligence embedded in creme de le CREAM. Forget higher societies, Their mightiest feats, Are cowardly squeaks, Behind Obama who speaks. They're genocidal freaks, On a killing spree, to free, The world of love and peace, And replace it with blood and greed. Green-eyed reptilians, Killing millions, Behind closed curtains, We lay blinded by the pavilion. We shall stand before our time though, Against technological maniacs, and greedy aristocrats, named the illuminati cartel... We will march down your, big white doors, Bringing enough force, To send Isaac Newton into applause. But I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree... See supposedly, we all embrace the same origin, From a tree, in a Garden called Eden, Where greed got the better of an evil man, But good still won. So speculate and calculate, Dominate and collaborate, But see my mouth still speaks. So for those listening, Forget about material, It brings numerical decimals, And kills humans and animals. Computers, web surfing and game shows, Are all distractions from the finish line woes, See if I told you, that you were going to die anyway, Would you spend your #life inside all day? Would you work a full time job, To 'earn' a right to live, For a few bob? Existing aimlessly without opening your gob. Release your instincts, Listen distinctively to my words, And pray, you'll live to see a better day, with all the time in time and space. Not money. You are an animal, You are equal to any mammal, bird, fish, invertebrate, vertebrate, amphibian and reptile. Don't listen to their denial, they're murdering bastards, on an evil mission, To force submission, And achieve their ambition of a perfect nation. 250, 000 after an international fight. "What comes up, must come down."

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