The Storm When the storm tore through we had nothing to do But reminisce over stories of me and you Uncertain of whether we'd get through the night We clung to each other, bathed in candlelight I traced your features, fingers eager to drink in Every line, every quirk, every inch of your skin We reassured ourselves 'this storm won't see us done, 'Not when our story has still just begun' The wine kicked in as the wind howled outside But in your eyes I found my place to hide In the morning they found us Still holding together Another tragedy corresponded via sad letter Of lovers who'd really had nothing to do But take comfort in what they knew to be true Their love, their #life, their time that was shared Because really, it was just nice to know that you cared #promptschallenge
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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Sienna Williamson
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