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The Dark Incident (Title changed because i don't want people to think this is a love story) Hello. My name is Phoenix. Phoenix Alyssa Dark. I know you. I know your family. I know your past. I know everything about you, even your terrible little secrets you hide from everyone else. How do I know these things about you? That's a very good question, one that I'm not sure i could answer myself. But maybe you know, or at the very least, could find out. You see, my story is, if you excuse the pun, a very dark one. Not one that should be trifled with, or frankly, even Told. But maybe, you are clever. More clever than the feisty fox. More witty than the sarcastic Horse. Maybe, although I highly doubt it, you are smarter than the stupid, but oh so intelligent panther.The panther,known as Issac Butler. I am sure you know that all stories have a beginning. And here, my dear friends, acquaintances, or even the stranger i have yet to meet, is the beginning, to my story. It all started 137 years ago, in the great valleys of the Barrow Mountains. I was just a young girl, barely over the age of 25. Confused, are you not? How can a 25 year old be a young girl? Well, you see human, I have neglected to tell you all the facts about me. I live in a world that is not your own. My world is a planet in a shady corner of the galaxy you call the milkey way. It is such a beautiful place, with its large, lush forest and beautiful, blue oceans. I could go on and on about the place, but I am already so off track, and I have such little time. As I said, I was a young girl of 25. To help you understand, I will give you the minute reason to why I was young. My people, the Catarians, live lives that last up to 2500 years, if you are sickly. Now you are thinking that when I say young girl, I mean infant, which is in fact, not true. When we are young, we age a lot quicker than we do when we get to the age of, lets say, 150. So when I was 25, I had a stature of a 11 year old human. Our family was very powerful, but very peaceful. We were, to use human jargon, warlocks, fairies, or possibly to some, superheroes. However, those titles are misleading. Our powers were just simply powers, maybe a bit stronger than the rest of our people. Mine, though, were the strongest of them all. My powers ranged from transfiguration to invisibility. From being able to control the elements to creating things out of the atoms in the atmosphere. Basically, I was a goddess. Many people knew me, and some even worshiped me. My name was in almost every corner of the galaxy, and maybe a bit beyond. That however, isn't always a good thing. It was a good day in the Barrow Mountains, for the sky was blue and the river, bluer. I was showing my little sister, Hope Dark, (odd name, I know), and Raul Dark, my ability to control the elements. Water serpents and fire dragons were battling out. Steam was rising in the air. And because of that, I didn't see them strike. That's all you really need to know about it, for there is only one more fact. One that I am not ready to tell anyone. Not even Issac. Chapter One: Issac's curse. "Come on Issac. Mum is waiting on us." That would be Elias, part one of my two twisters of little brothers. Oh dear, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I. My name is Issac. Issac Butler. And I am a genius. Now don't go off thinking that I am an egotistical jerk, because that is not even close to being true. Just ask Phoenix, or Nix for short. And even though I don't recommend it, you can ask Ellie or Dorse. You seem confused. Why so? Oh, wait, let me guess you have yet to meet them. Well, you can get to that later. For now, why don't we carry on with our story. "Mmm....5 more minutes." I replied, suddenly realizing I've been saying that since 7 am, and seeing how it's 10, I should problaly stop. But I really need my rest. Late night experiments can really take it outy of a almost-adult. "But mum said Now!" And here's Autoro, part two of the previously stated twin set. ( okay, I've lost my drive. Ill try to continue tomorrow) (Will update, but I will just add to this story, no different posts)

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