перевести   11 лет назад

You Broke It and I Can't Ever Be Repaired If u asked me 12hrs ago wud we ever speak again I would of said no & ment every word But the minute u needed me that Hurt and let down didn't Even come into me head U needed me & that's all that matterd u was once my bestfriend ill always have a soft spot 4 you that will never go away, but I can't 4get the way u Betrayed me in my heart that feelin stays buf ill always be there If u need me any time night or day, But I can't giv anymore to you we cant go back we will never get bak that friendship again, what I can give u is my arms when u need a hug from some1 and a ear to listen and the chance to start over a fresh slate and maybe we cud build a new friendship in time but forgiveness I can't giv u that, but that love is still there ill always have that that Neva went away but the pain of what you did has Neva left me eitha and the trust has now gone we cnt be real friends with that in the way

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