übersetzen   11 Jahre

World War Infinity sometimes it’s hard to make it through the day and people tell you that I can’t believe you’re complaining right now because other people have it so much worse and you have it so much better so how do you have the right to complain and it is at this moment that I think to myself something along the lines of fuck off because when it’s one of those days where all you want to do is lie in bed and stay there for months, to curl up beneath your blankets and revel in the only thing left in your #life that gives you warmth, when you feel as if everything about you is crumbling, when your #life is tainted with salty ash, yet everyone around you is a granite statue sweetened with normality and showered in collectedness because on days like those days when I tie my shoes because my world is ending and maybe a knot on my shoe is the only part of me that can keep it together and I tie up my hair because even a strand in my eyes could be a big enough obstacle and I shakily step onward because this is a battle I refuse to lose because there is a sliver of me left, despite its miniscule size, that will not stop fighting don’t tell me that I don’t have the right to complain when every day is world war infinity: filled with stubborn battles that refuse to end unless I am the loser and every day is a platoon of obligations that are running away from me to find a better-fit commander when every day is filled with the racket of cannon-fire and grenades: all thrown at me and every moment is another painful step toward a bleak and possibly non-existent victory just because you cannot see this war I’m fighting, well, that doesn’t mean it’s not real. © Dana L. 2013

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