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Freya Chapter 2 Leo's breath caught in his throat. With the opening of the elevators, what stood before him was the pinnacle of beauty. Deep green eyes now waded into a sea of sapphire blue. Her golden hair lay swept to one side, her makeup simple, but Leo could feel in his bones that there was nothing simple about the woman frozen before him. The red dress she wore clung to the ever so feminine parts of her body. Just modest enough to be professional and somehow still make a man long to see more. Her scent, not to heavy, reminded him of silk sheets, for all he could think about was pulling her into bed and worshiping that body in a tangle of sheets and skin. Suddenly remembering to breath, Leo smiled his best smile and stepped aside. "Excuse me miss." He said kindly. 'What are you doing? Speak!' Danielle thought to herself. Could this really be the same man? She knew she had never met him before, surely she would remember a man handsome enough to give her wet dreams. And yet, here he stood. In the flesh before her very eyes. "Oh, no, you're fine. No harm." She replied, her southern bell charm strategically executed. "Have we met before?" Leo asked. He knew they had not and yet there seemed to be something so familiar about the woman that stood before him. "I don't believe we have. I'm Dr. Stinner. Danielle Stinner." She said, extending her hand. "It's very nice to meet you." He said, accepting her shake. "I guess you and I will be sharing the building. I'm Dr. Leo Odin. I'm taking over for Mr. and Mrs. Tanner." "Oh! Well how wonderful, I know the Tanners very well. I think you'll like it here. It was very nice to meet you." She replied, and with a small nod, headed towards the door. "I'm pretty sure I already do." Leo let out under his breath. He couldn't remember a time when he had ever wanted someone so badly. Stepping into the elevator he could still smell her. Her scent wrapping itself around his body and mind, engulfing his thoughts, among other things. Just the thought of her caused an erection. No, he must focus. He came here to do a job and to get away, not to be swept up by some woman he didn't know. And yet, the thought of those lips brought a smile to his face. Danielle hurried to her car once she was out of sight. How could that be possible? There was no doubt that he was the man from her dreams. She could never forget the depth of those eyes and the beckoning fullness of his lips. Oh how she wanted to taste those lips, to nibble on the fullness before sweeping her tongue over them and ravishing.. 'What are you thinking! Stop that!' She must keep this professional. She never mixed business with pleasure. As indecisive as Freya was with her men, it wasn't safe to get involved with someone she would have to see every day. Besides, it wasn't as if he knew what she had been thinking. She spent the rest of the day trying to forget about him. When Mr. No Name called just as she was leaving the office she knew that he would be the perfect distraction. Plus, she hadn't had sex in nearly a week. Freya was becoming not only restless, but down right grumpy. She needed her fix. "Give me thirty minutes to get home, I'll meet you there." "For you? I'd wait forever." He cooed. "I thought we had discussed this." Danielle did not have the energy nor the mental drive to deal with clinginess tonight. There was just too much on her mind. She just wanted to feel. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'll see you in a bit." Danielle sighed and hung up the phone. She wasn't trying to be rude, but repeating herself was not at the top of her favorites list. Taking the back roads home a little slower than usual, she decided she would make him wait. A punishment for his obsessive behavior. Once she had him tied to the bed posts, Danielle took her time exploring his body. Using a simple feather she lightly teased each nipple, dragging out the pleasure with each flick of her wrist. Jake loved it when she tortured him. When she made him beg for the release. She never used whips or canes, her form of torture was much more strategic, strictly mental, but completely dominating. She could prolong a climax to the point that release would be considered a sanctuary. Dipping her fingers into a canister, she allowed the sweet, smooth oil to glide down her finger and drip, drip, drip on the inside of each of his thighs. Slowly, hypnotically, she began a deliciously torturous massage above each knee. Bringing her fingers and thumbs together then back out again in small circles. Making her way up and around, until she finally reached his shaft. Licking her lips, Danielle could feel Freya's influence begin to take complete control. This was what she needed. Slowly she slid her lips over the top of him. Feeling his head throb with need of her touch. Gently, she slid her teeth over the length of him, dancing her tongue over the sensitive vein that she knew would drive him crazy. The sharp intake of breath and the soft moan that escaped his lips proved her right. She continued at this pace for a few more seconds, but to him it seemed like hours. After a few more strokes, she began making her way up his body. Kissing and licking, swirling her tongue around each nipple before biting gently. Finally, she lifted herself and slowly slid him into her warmth. The intensity of the day flowed back into her mind and she began taking it out on the body beneath her. Bucking her hips back and forth, faster and faster. She felt that familiar building inside at the pit of her stomach. Looking at the face beneath her, mouth open in an expression of pure ecstasy, she glanced at his brown eyes. Still moving up and down, grinding and flexing, she closed her eyes and instantly saw a deeper, more sensual set of eyes. A pair that she suddenly longed to see in this position beneath her, and with that vision in her mind she came. Squirting her sweet victory all over Jake's body before bringing her mouth back down to capture his release. Opening her eyes, she was brought back to reality. Freya tucked away again, now satisfied with her release. It wasn't Leo beside her, and suddenly she no longer wanted Jake in her home. She just wanted to be left alone with her thoughts. Leo lifted the strong liquor to his lips. He rarely drank, not since his fathers accident. But his mind would not stop reeling. Over and over, like a scratched record, he kept seeing those soft blue eyes. He wasn't sure what it was about this woman that called to him. Leo took a deep breath of the refreshing outside air as he let the wind push the swing back and forth at its own pace. The rain had dropped the temperature considerably, but it had also taken away the clouds and in its place left a crystal clear night sky. Each star seemed brighter than the one beside it, and as beautiful as each one seemed, none could compare to the woman Leo saw when he closed his eyes. Oh he had had women before, he could tell stories of a time when he had had a different woman for each season. Sex was a natural part of #life that he embraced. Leo just preferred to keep his business to himself. He didn't crave so much the secrecy, but instead the simplicity. Drama, and all that entails, was not something he was willing to put up with. With that thought coming to mind, he realized how un-simple his attraction for Danielle really was. He knew he shouldn't get involved with someone he worked with. But ignoring the pull he felt today when meeting Danielle would not be easy. Danielle had spent the weekend hidden away in her fortress. She had given Jill the weekend off so that she could truly be alone. She tried to spend a few hours planted in front of a canvas, brushing stroke after stroke of vibrant color from one end to the other. But once she was finished she found herself looking into a sea of green. When that didn't work, she decided to curl up in her favorite reading chair and delight in the dramatic tales of Edgar Allen Poe. But even the beating heart under the floor boards couldn't drag her thoughts away. So Sunday she had stayed in bed watching old Disney movies. It was the one thing she could get lost in. It had worked, until that night when she had drifted off to sleep, and there he came. This time she could see him clearly. His strong legs and firm solid build every inch of six feet tall, probably a few inches more, lingered over her body. But she could sense they were not alone, the other figure lingered close by, threatening. It inched closer with every agonizing breath she took. Leo looked back just as she called for him, the figure was so close she could feel its breath matching hers. She woke with a start. Her heart thumping in her chest, matching the speed of a hummingbird's wings. Looking at her clock she saw it read 5:30. Well, she might as well go ahead and start warming up. She could get a small run in before Jon got there and hopefully focus her mind. She didn't feel like rehashing this dream. Leo pulled up to the clinic at nine o'clock. He was a little early but truth be told he was hoping to catch at least one glimpse of her. The fishing he had done Saturday had only brought back a few memories of his dad. It had also made him wonder if she would appreciate the outdoors as much as he did. And playing with Brinley on Sunday didn't get his mind of the fact the the next day he would be in the same building as her. He had tried to play it cool, wearing is khaki pants and green patterned button down shirt. He didn't want it to look like he had spent thirty damn minutes just wondering whether or not she preferred blue or green. Making his way to the elevator, he pushed the number two and took the ride up. It was a small office, a very "mom and pop" kind of clinic. The sort of place where moms brought there daughters and so on and so forth. He had spoken to two of three nurses on staff, the third was on maternity leave for another four weeks. Mrs. Tanner had decided she would stay on for a couple more years. Only being 62 in age she didn't see the need in retiring just yet. Leo admired the passion of the old woman. She truly enjoyed her job. "Hey there handsome." Leo smiled at the soft, aged voice behind him. "Hello Mrs. Tanner, I was just thinking of you." "Oh you wicked man, teasing an old woman like that!" She giggled a cute, bubbly sound that made Leo's smile widen. The woman was infectious. "Haha, no teasing intended. How is Mr. Tanner? Did you two have a nice weekend?" "Oh we certainly did, thank you. My husband is ever the romantic, we had a moonlit dinner of peas, carrots, and meatloaf. And for dessert he made my favorite." "And what was that?" Leo asked curiously. "Well now, I would tell you, but I am not a woman to kiss and tell." She winked and let out another giggle, and Leo couldn't help the laugh that rumbled out of him. Around eleven, things started slowing down and by twelve, Leo had seen all of his scheduled appointments. "Go ahead and take lunch doll, I can hold down the fort until you get back." Mrs. Tanner said. "Alright, I'll be back in an hour." "Oh Leo, before you go can you run this file up to the third floor please? Dr. Stinner is expecting it." Leo's breath hitched, "Uh, Dr. Stinner?" "Yes, she's the shrink in the building. I usually direct my young mothers,or woman who are under a great deal of stress, to her. She's wonderful." Oh of that he had no doubt. "Sure, I don't mind." Leo stammered, hoping Mrs. Tanner didn't notice Trying to keep the tremble from his fingers, Leo pressed the button for the third floor. The hope of being able to simply pass the papers on to the receptionist were eliminated by the empty chair at the desk. Looking down the short hall, he saw that the door to the office was still open. Taking a deep breath Leo took the few strides and found himself in the door way of Danielle's office. Stepping inside, he couldn't help the pang of disappointment when he saw she wasn't there. He walked over to her desk in the corner, she would find the file when she got back. "Can I help you?" He heard the soft voice behind him, smooth as butter. He turned to see her standing in the door way. Her beautiful face twisted into an accusatory grim. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. Mrs. Tanner wanted me to bring you this file." God she looked good today. Dressed in brown leggings; tan knee high, high heeled boots; and a white, long sleeved, loose dress. She had draped a purple scarf around her neck to tie it all in. So simple yet perfect on her luscious body. His eyes roamed down the length of her and back up again. He blinked and looked away quickly as if he hadn't meant for her to see. But she had seen. He looked breath taking today. She loved khaki pants on a man, not as much as faded jeans, but they definitely ranked second on her list. And the way Leo Odin filled out those khakis was enough to make her forget any man. Those shoulders couldn't have pressed that button down shirt to any farther limits, and he had rolled his sleeves up to quarter length. Just high enough she could catch a glimpse of his bulging forearms. Danielle found herself wondering if his chest was covered in hair the way it had been in her dream. 'Pull it together.' "Oh, you can just set them there thank you. I was about to head to lunch, will you tell her I'll take a look when I get back?" She was surprised she was able to keep the awe out of her voice. "Actually I was headed to lunch myself. Would you mind a little company?" Did he just invite himself to lunch? 'Come on Leo, you are not a desperate man.' "Sure, that would be nice." And she had meant it. She didn't like eating alone. "Well now, I would tell you, but I am not a woman to kiss and tell." She winked and gave another giggle and Leo couldn't help the laugh the rumbled behind her. not be easy. Danielle had spent the weekend locked away in her fortress. She had given

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