"On Broadway?" Chapter 1 Lee and his movie producer are sick of this movie. The producer cannot produce any more of this dreaded movie until they get a new actor. Lee is left to that job since he is the only one who can get in to FBI archives. He walked steadily to the front of the gate. Lee nodded his head and the gatekeeper let him into the FBI headquarters. Why did he feel nervous? He has done this lots of times. He went over to the A section and pulled a file out of the filing cabinet and read: Amelia Jay Watson Born: 01/01/01 This is an off limit file no one is to read it without consent of the government. The last part was written on red ink, he would have to ask the CEO about this file. "Sir, what does this mean, why is this file off limits?" I asked Dwayne the CEO of FBI. "Oh, you picked the super family. We have to keep tabs on them because they have supernatural powers." He said this with no problem like it was no big deal. "Excuse me?" "The girl you want on your stupid movie can change her shape at anytime. She could be another person or at anytime she choses she could be an animal." He said hotly. "Oh." "But she does not know and you can not tell anyone or the government will hunt you down and put you in jail for the rest of your #life!" .......... My teacher kept giving me questioning looks, like she did not know me. I was wondering what was wrong with me? People have given me those looks before, but never said anything. I went to the bathroom taking a hall pass with me. I had good thoughts on the way there. Myself running through the fields of Iowa, I used to live there, then we were relocated by the government for some stupid thing ( in which we didn't do). I reached the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Nothing was different, I looked the same I always have. Blond curly hair, and bright blue eyes. I was relieved to see just me in the mirror, I've seen other things when I look in the mirror, but those were just dreams. I walked into the class room and the teacher asked: "Where have you been all day?" This was a weird question, I was here just a minute ago. "Why do you Ask that? I was here a minute ago." I say sarcastically. The class smirks at me. Why did they laugh at me they've been late too, haven't they? Mom picked me up from school like usual and then she leaves me at the house with my ten year old sister Leah, while she goes grocery shopping. I walked in to the house, and hear Leah screaming, I run toward her room and see her crying. "What's wrong?" It was a stupid question, she is always upset, ever since dad left she was sadder and more distraught. "The man is going to kill me!" She yells. She lifts her feeble finger toward her closet. I walk in further to see what she was talking about. A tall, familiar man,with brown hair holding up a knife in his right hand. He was sweating. "You are Lee Jones, the famous movie actor!" I exclaim! Chapter 2 will be coming out on December 5th.
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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