Man Behind The Uniform Playing with his son, The apple of his eye, My little boy looks up to him And I see his mind thinking why? Why does Daddy wear Those big black heavy boots? And drive nice shiny cars with lights upon the roofs? I see the excitement in his eyes As his daddy turns and says "Here ya go buddy try on Daddy's hat" He could prance around for days! Now it's time for him to leave for work Our son just waves with me He thinks daddy is off to have some fun But only I can truly see. It's most certainly not all laughs and games As many would like to believe His shift today will involve many things Of all he will strive to achieve. He'll deal with drunks and domestics And car thefts left and right. Then he will have enough blue light calls, To last all through the night. When he comes home from work, I breath a silent breath of relief, Thank goodness he's home safe I keep my chatting brief. I lend an ear should he need one To unload about a certain case Sometimes he just needs cuddle Or even his own bit of space. He's not a violent individual And the police are often misunderstood They are trying to do good by the community If only everyone else could. Next time you meet a policeman Don't be in such a rush To abuse, spit and hit one. Their not all to be tarred with the same brush

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