Translate   11 years ago

Unfortunately now I see happily ever afters don't happen to ordinary people such as myself. There is no such thing as escaping reality, my destiny is tragedy, and my relief is acceptance. What happen to our happily ever after? The future we created? our calm escape from reality? A place where no one will ever question our actions.. somewhere so quiet I can hear your relief through every beat of your heart, and we can be together forever. I finally gave in and I trusted you, I let you in. "the private world I kept trapped inside my head" I learnt to appreciate your interest I gave you the Benefit of the doubt though Still kept my distance.. But then of Course time went by and I couldn't stop my feelings.. The more you told me the more I heard, and the more I heard the more I became in need of you as I then became in need of my happiness. then you began acting up, as if you couldn't care less just as I feared, an other times as if I was the one star that brightened your world made me feel special beyond control, I'm confused is this how love should be? Is this the ups and downs a couple usually endure, but then again are we a couple? I'm fighting a pointless battle within myself, I know the truth and what it holds but I don't got the fight left in me for what's been left unsaid. I never thought it would happen like this or maybe I did.. but now you've gone silent we've become disconnected and I'm too proud for trying I don't want to seem persistant. I don't understand just the other day you told me your feelings I guess they had no meaning. leaving me wondering a lot of the time and just like you wanted i fell in love with you. Mission accomplished. I dont want to miss you anymore I don't want to be sad anymore and I no longer want to feel insecure. Unfortunately now I see happily ever afters don't happen to ordinary people like me. There is no such thing as escaping reality. my destiny is tragedy. and my relief is acceptance.

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