Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Cieran All my #life I've wanted you, I've dreamt of you, I've needed you, Then.. I finally found you. I wake up in the morning, Your there, In my head, in my heart, The first thing and the only thing, That's there right from the start. Feeling your warm chest wraps my body in comfort, The delicate butterflies start to tickle my belly, Your gentle kiss on my head, Making my heart ache with a burst love. We've planned a future, That I know you'll make come true, We want our babies, Dougie and blue, And Our little pug, Binks too. When times have been hard, You've helped me through, You've helped stop the pain, And the agony too, The blades I picked up and the blood I drew, Is now disappearing, Because of you. The futures bright, We just have to keep looking up, And see the light, Shining above. Nothing means as much to me as you... Dedicated to: My fiancé, Cieran Leigh faithful.

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