Traducciones   11 años

For She Stole My Heart/Dangerous Love! LIFE and LOVE,often full of MYSTERIES. The most pleasant occurrences take place at the most unexpected instances. Beauty weaved into bliss like your fine self are often SUPERCHARGED! So SUPERCHARGED it be that likened to an addicts cold turkey reaction From sudden denial/unexpected abstinence it will; upon a removal that's not mutual. Man puts too much emotional analysis into emotion. Emotion itself soon gets lost in translation. Sentiment is not too far behind in the jumbled mix of over analysis either. Over analyse and you risk an extinguishment of the inherent raw flame that soothes the heart to a position of Stasis. Alas,a heart filled with Love induces a mixture of Stratospheric emotions euphoric in nature. EMOTIONAL STASIS; a most singular cure for all kindsa heartache/heartbreak/Loneliness&Despair. Darling,coming into my #life assures me of a match. A match of Damn near exacting nature. To receive with gratitude and adequate reciprocity to the passion UNLEASHED. You do it for me Baby. You are the Representative of the zenith of this sojourn i long embark. Dare to regulate your thinking and invoke need for massive Jubilation my sweet one. Your hold on my Heart strings LET GO NOT. But rather caress with purposed intent. And watch an intimate supernatural phenomenon unfold.

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