Translate   11 years ago

Haig deserved to be called a butcher Haig deserved to be called a butcher because he saw that the war wasn't working/ going to plan but Haig kept on sending troops over the top and they simply just got killed by the Germans. The Battle of the Somme was a tragic because everyone that went over the top ether got stuck in barb wire and shot or they just got shot as they went over. Haig wasn't seeing what was happening so he thought it was going to his plan but no everything can go to plan. Haig's plans were out dated so they needed new ones but Haig stuck to the old ones. It's clear Haig honestly believed a massive frontal assault by British infantry would punch a hole in the German line, through which his cavalry would then charge to glory. On several occasions mounted troops were brought up in anticipation of the breakout that, of course, never happened because they were shot. lots of people got killed. He says ‘Very successful attack this morning ‘, even though 20,000 people got died, which isn’t very successful, but may have been less than the Germans. He says that the enemy is short of men, but he doesn’t know how many Germans were killed, and neither do we now. He is also getting a bit big headed because he says ‘Several have…never been so instructed and informed.’ Because he is the Field Marshall he would tell them what to do and if they say that then he must have done a good job. If he was being big headed then it shows that he must have care about him self than the soldiers good job. Overall Haig didn't really care about his soldiers when he wrote he never said how the troops were feeling so that shows that Haig truly didn't care.

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