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Amiri ~*Chapter 1*~ "Amiri" someone whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Kale's gray eyes looking down at me. "Hey" I smiled. He leaned down to kiss my on my cheek. I still feel the warmth as his lips leave my skin. "I have made us some plans today. I thought you would like to do something ,because it it's your birthday and all.. ," he told me. I sat up and got myself awake. "I would love to go,but I thought you were going to work on your book?" I believed it was more of question than a statement. He took my hand and warmth shot through me. He smiled as a sense of knowing. "I don't want to write today. I want to take you somewhere special,and the book can wait." We walked down the passage;away from the cottage we shared. I heard the crunch of the crisp snow,and I looked up for a moment and saw snow starting to fall. It was perfect. We walk for about two miles before we stopped. He lifted the branch,so I could get through. I held it for him as he walked passed me. I let it fall into its rightful place. He took my hand as we started to walk together again. "You look lovely,Amiri" I felt myself blush. He always knew how to make me feel special. "Thanks handsome" I smiled and stopped. He stopped immediately after I did. I got on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you,Amiri!" he shouted suddenly as if to tell the whole world. It was my turn "I love you too,Kale!" It rang out through the forest. Bird started to chirped in protest of our loud love. I chirped back and they became quiet. We laughed. "We are here" he sliced through the silence as we were enjoying nature. I look around and saw a place that was coated with snow. I was memorized on the flakes that fell in front of us, and I think Kale was too. He lifted me up and took me of guard. I laughed as he laid me down in the snow. He leaned over me as he looked into me hazel eyes and started to twirl my silky black hair. I closed my eyes as he leaning down to kiss me. I felt the tingling sensation as his lips locked with mine. A minute or two passed and at the same time we both pulled back. Kale laid in the snow next to me finally, and we stared up the sky. The sun wasn't out,so it wasn't be a pain for us to look a the sky. We watched as little flakes fell from the clouds to the coated earth. We sat up in the snow,and looked around after we heard something moving towards us. I glanced at him and he looked pale as he looked north. I followed his glaze. It lead to something that made me have goose bumps. Zelenograd. Zelenograd looked as if he saw a pot of gold. He walked as if he had not much time left,but didn't looked rushed. He took wide and long strides toward us. His fur pelts that he was wearing made me worry. They were furs of loins,tigers,and black panthers that he killed. He looked down at us. He looked at me with his bright red eyes. He smiled and kept his eyes on me. "I must say old chap that you did a nice job on finding them." He started to make a circle around us. I heard Kale growl. I tried to stay calm. "what are you doing here?" I asked with so of my rage that was still in my voice. "I came to make you love me..." Zelenograd voice whispered. In a flash, Kale was gone,and so was Zelenograd. I stood and started to look around me. I saw a black figure looking at me. Zelenograd. He was standing over something. As I realized what it was I began to scream. My eyes opened and relieve flood over me. It was a dream. Only a dream. A dream that was a reality only a long while ago.

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