Fading Forcing my eyes open, they were filled with the glare of a helicopter searchlight. A numb feeling crept through my body as I began to slip in and out of consciousness. The droplets of rain soaking my clothes was surprisingly comforting, and I mustered a tiny crack of a smile as I lay in the jagged canyon. Minutes, possibly hours before I had been working my way across the rock face above me. What were the chances that the rope would snap? Drifting back awake again, I saw the helicopter crew approaching, and a sharp pain as a needle was pushed inside my pulsing vein. As the medical workers desperately worked on my failing body, I managed to look down. I immediately regretted it. A pool of blood gathered around my lower half. Choking back tears, I pleaded for the men to help me. Take away the pain. The cave around me started to fade away. Darkness engulfed my mind and my body. Could this be the end of my chapter?
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