Translate   11 years ago

Finding Ellora Prologue It was a cold December night. The snow was falling off the trees and dropping to the ground, there was a family, Expecting an birth of a child. The mother was hoping for a baby just like her an Xabiere. She thought of the future she was going to have with him/her. Everything was planned. Around 7:33 she started to experience pain. But there's a difference between humans and xabiere’s in delivering children. 1, Xabiere pain is increased 5 times than humans. 2, it can either be extremely fast or it can be painfully slow. But see it’s not your choice. unforchantly this woman's birth was a little of both, no one knew what was happening. They never heard or seen of this ever before. The woman was screaming “Stop, just make it stop!” She screamed the whole house shook. no one looked shock. their face just showed an expression of worried. Worried that the woman might not make it past the delivery, worried that the child will die, worried that they won't see another day. “Come’on, just a little more, just a little more.” “Easy for you to say, Your not in this potion!” She said through gritted teeth. “Just a little more” A few moments later, A guy named David told her and everyone else to close their eyes. They all did as told. The lady giving birth Lilith, thought In a moment she’d see her little Xabiere. But she was wrong or so she told herself. Her eyes deceived herself. When she opened her eyes, she was handed a baby. But this wasn't an xabiere, she screamed and dropped the baby if it wasn't Julie the child would've died. “Is something wrong, Lilith?” Julie asked “Yes, something horribly wrong.” She cried “She’s human” she barely got the words out of her mouth. “What?” “It’s human” “Wait! how is that possible?” “I don’t know. Get it out of my sight” “What?” “Get it out of my sight.” “Okay.” She was shocked But Julie wasn't the type of person to just abandon a child. She thought about keeping it, but her husband, he would've killed it. She called her sister Crystal. “umm… I got a favor to ask of you.” “What is it?” she answered “I have a child.” “What? when were you going to tell me?” “No,no it’s not mine. It’s a friends of mine” “Yea?” “I was wondering if you would like to care for it?” “What, Why?” she asked “because the mother doesn't want it and- It’s human” “It’s human!” no one, knew this except for Julie, but Crystal always wanted a human for a child, but she didn't know why… “I’m coming. Where are you?” “In Lilith's house” “Coming, Don’t go anywhere, Okay?” “I’m not leaving, I’ll meet you outside, okay? “Meet you there.” But what no one saw, except for David, and the people watching from the window. Was that the baby sparkled when it came out. Like all others do. The people we’re watching from the window “We have to do something, another xabiere was born.” “We can’t have them in the world anymore.” “Yea, your right. Plan A activated?” “Plan A activated.” The other happily agreed

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