Vertalen   11 jaren geleden

Opuss' 666th Tweet This is also written on the behalf of Lizzy, because she can't spell the words she wants to use. Some of the ideas belong to Sebastian. The wind howled outside the windows of Phantomhive manor. The large house stood dark and foreboding, surrounded by dense woodland. Only a single lamp post lit the grounds. No one dared come near the house. They were afraid, not of how the house looked, but of the horror inside. Inside the manor lived a fourteen year old boy. But he was not the terrible thing that kept everyone away. A monster lived in the manor. It served the boy as his butler. The creature was evil to the core. He was a master of disguise. He hid his true form, by making himself so handsome that everyone allowed him to take their lives. He had skin as pale as moonlight, hair as black as night. His teeth sparkled like stars, and his eyes were the colour of blood. He served his master faithfully, and the boy believed he could trust him. But all the monster wanted was to consume the young boy's soul. He wanted it because, this impossible man, who was good at everything, was a demon. The boy, named Ciel Phantomhive, had the purest soul a demon could want. The demon promised to do what the boy wanted, until he had gotten revenge on the men who had murdered his parents on the night of his tenth birthday, and then the demon would be allowed to consume the boy's soul. One night, the demon decided that he could wait no longer. He crept down the corridors, not making a sound. He opened the door to the boy's bedroom, and crept to his bed. A candle burned brightly on the table next to the bed. The demon leaned over the boy, his bright red eyes sparkling. He sucked out the boy's soul, until the boy was just an empty body under the sheets. He looked like he was simply sleeping. No one would know for a few hours. The demon changed into his true form, a monstrous scaly black thing with claws and black wings. He jumped through the window, and flew away. The candle on the boy's bedside table flickered and died. Outside the manor, the single lamp post went out, plunging the whole house and the grounds into darkness. And above the tall black trees, over the howling of the wind, the high, cold laugh of the demon butler could be heard. #TH6

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