Translate   11 years ago

Ro My name is Ro Prosper. I'm thirteen. I have powers. Most people don't believe this and tend to be like, "Yeah, sure, you have superpowers. And I'm Superman." Sometimes I like to wonder what it'd be like if my Mother was alive to tell me that everything will be OK. Today is Friday. I wake up at five so that I'll have to to read. I live to read. It transports me to a different land, one where having weird things happen to you is normal. I've never been able to explain the moon-shaped scar on my arm. It seems as though it's always been there, like it's a part of me. Sometimes I feel like it connects me to my mom. She had the same scar, except it was above her eyebrow. "Honey!" Dad calls. I stand at the foot of the stairs and watch him. His wife, Paula Rey, is sitting at the small dining table next to him, sipping coffee.The smell of blueberry muffins wafts across the living and dining room. I slowly walk towards them, dragging my feet to the table. Paula smiles, "How are you dear?" I stare at her. Her Ravishing Red lipstick looks shiny and plastic against the dim dining room lights. She tucks a strand of frosted blond hair behind her ear. "I'm fine." I reply. "Just tired," She smiles. "I know how you feel, Ro." I take my spot next to Dad, who sets a plate of muffins in front of me. I pour myself a glass of OJ. I take a bite out of my muffin. It's bursting with flavor. It's sweet and buttery. Pure deliciousness. I take my time eating. I also keep an eye out for Paula. Since my Dad married her three years ago, I've been trying to adjust, but I just can't.

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