Translate   11 years ago

entry #2 - If I could give a student points for perfect timing, I would. Theresa flagged me just as Ferrell raised his hand to get my attention and I had the perfect moment to pretend I didnt see him. I was in dreasd fear he was standing outside my door when class was over but he apparently chose to give up... for now. Ill have to meet with him eventually but Ill do what I can to avoid it. If hes not bragging about something, then he's usually attempting to pressure me to go to yet another seminar with him. He only lucked out the last time because the department decided it was required for continued employment. Ive got to talk to Marisa about that. Students wanted to know when the next dig is. Finding places to excavate on the Texas Gulf Coast is like trying to buy prime oceanfront property in Tulsa: if you were willing to squint at some geologic map you could pretend you saw migration patterns between the rivers. Truth is you only have to scratch down a couple of inches and youd have traversed the whole history of human occupation in North America... with only a few crumbles of clay to show for it. Note to self: call whatsisis name at that other school. Maybes hes heard of a #depression in someones yard somewhere... Why am I doing this ?! Im the most boring diarist alive. Later...

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