çevirmek   11 yıllar önce

Horrible Or Amazing #life isn't fare there are up's and downs and there's that one point in every ones #life when you realize that your #life is a failure.It's not though most people don't realize that #life is going to be miserable if you look at it as work home school kids.What you don't realize is those few things you say are horrible turn out to be the best things in your #life. All you have to do is take those so called horrible things and turn them inside out every one knows the saying go big or go home instead go small then when you realize how much those few things here and there impact your #life well like I said turn it inside out so instead of going big go huge enjoy your #life when you have the chance.Because I know from experience most people don't realize the good they have until it's gone.So tonight when you go home start small think about those few things in your #life and what you can do to realize what you have in front if you then like I said GO HUGE and do them. Before its to late...

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