Animalistic Chapter 3 Ken's pov. It started out as a normal Monday for Ken Colson. He was walking to school, when he saw a bunch of people screaming and running the opposite way Ken was headed. "What are you running from?" Ken tried to ask the people, but didn't answer and kept on running. Ken walked on cautiously. He stopped in front of a turned over bus with a shattered windshield. What happened here? Ken wondered. He heard a soft whine. He turned towards the sound and slowly walked towards the sound. The sound lead Ken to an empty alley. He walked into the alley a little and then tripped over what looked like an old rug. Ken soon realized that it wasn't a rug, but a dog. The dog was thing that was whining. It was a large brown dog, that looked kind of like a wolf. The dog was badly hurt. It's fur was matter with drying blood. Ken inched cautiously towards the dog. The dog didn't seem to notice that Ken was there. Ken slowly placed his hand on the dog. The dog flinched and tried to stand up, but colasped back on the ground. Ken carefully scooped up the dog and carried it to his school. What are I going to do with this dog? Ken wondered when he got to school. Ken put the dog in a box and put the box in his locker and he hurried to his first class. Ken couldn't concentrate on his classes, he was just thinking about how he was going to keep the dog. In between classes he would stop by his locker and check on the dog. The dog seemed ok, but Ken was worried that the dog won't live very long. When lunch came Ken took the box out of his locker and carried it outside. He tried to feed the dog, but it wouldn't eat. When lunch ended he put the box back in his locker. "What is in the box?" Ken's best friend Tristen. Tristen was tall with black hair and his eyes were a bright green. "A hurt dog I found on my way here this morning." Ken told him as he shut his locker door. "It's hurt? That's dangerous, it could have bit you." Tristen told him, Ken just shrugged. "Can I see the dog?" Tristen asked, before Ken could reply the warning bell went off. "I have to get to class, but I can show you after school." Ken promised and hurried off to his next class. After what seemed like forever, school ended. Ken raced to his locker, Tristen was waiting for him there. Ken pulled out the box and let Tristen look inside. "Man, he doesn't look good." Tristen said shaking his head. "I know. What should I do?" Ken asked. "Shoot it and put it out of it's misery." Tristen replied. "What? I can't do that! He's got to live." Ken said looking down at the dog. "You should take him to my place, I bet my mom can help him." Tristen said. "You think so?" Ken asked, his face brightened up. Tristen nodded. "Come on we should hurry, before it's too late." Tristen said and raced a head. Ken followed him. Ken was a faster runner than Tristen, but Ken was going slow, because he didn't want to bump the dog around. Tristen lived a block away from the school, so it didn't take them long to get to his house. Tristen lived in a nice neighborhood, every house was a bright color. Tristen's house was yellow. Tristen walked through the front door of his house. Ken had never been inside Tristen's house before, the outside was big, but the inside looked bigger. Everything in his house was a bright color. Tristen ran into the next room, Ken followed him. This room was the living room. Everything in this room was a bright orange. Tristen's mom was sitting on one of the orange couches. "Oh Tristen, who is-" Tristen's mom started to talk, but Tristen interrupted her. "No time to talk!" Tristen said and took the box from Ken and showed his mom the dog. "Oh my." His mom gasped at the sight of the badly beaten dog. "Can you help it?" Ken asked Tristen's mom. "No, we have to take it to a vet." Tristen's mom replied and took the box from Tristen. She quickly walked out of the room with the dog, Ken started to follow, but Tristen stopped him. "We should wait here, we would slow her down." Tristen said and sat down on the couch. Ken sat down next to him. Tristen turned on the tv and they did their homework. Ken had a hard time concentrating on his homework, but he got it done. "What do you think happened to the dog?" Tristen asked as he put away his science book. "I don't know. I found him in an alley, not too far from a bus on it's side." Ken told him. "That's weird. I wonder what did that." Tristen said. A little later Tristen's mom came home. "What did they say? Will he be fine?" Ken jumped off the couch and ran over to her. He noticed that she didn't have the box and he started to get worried, "Where is he?" "Don't worry. The vet said he's going to be fine. He is going to stay with the vet overnight. Tomorrow we can go over and check on him." Tristen's mom told him. "We should go after school tomorrow." Tristen suggested. "I'll have to ask my parents, but I'm sure they'll let me go." Ken told them. He looked over at a clock hanging on the wall. It was six o'clock. "I better get home though." "Do you need a ride?" Tristen's mom asked. "No, I'll walk. Thank you." Ken said and walked out of their house and started walking home. While he was walking he was thinking what could have happened to the dog. And what hit that bus. Could it have been the dog? No that wouldn't make any sense. Ken lived in a neighborhood that was the exact opposite of Tristen's neighborhood. Every house looked the same and they all were gray. Ken walked into his house. "Where have you been?" Asked Ken's younger brother Luke. Luke looked like a shorter version of Ken. They both had blond hair and blue eyes. "I was out, why do you care?" Ken asked in a harsh voice. He and Luke didn't get along every well. "I don't, but mom and dad care. Your going to be grounded forever." Luke said, he always enjoyed it when Ken got in trouble. Ken just rolled his eyes and walked to his room. Ken's room was small, it was only big enough to fit a bed and a dressor, but nothing else. Ken flopped on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn't wait for tomorrow, he just hoped the dog would make it to tomorrow. He started to wonder if he could get his parents to let him keep the dog. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ken just ignored it. The door opened and someone walked into the room. "Where have you been?" The person asked. Ken recognized the voice, it was his father. He was glad that it wasn't Luke. "I was at Tristen's house, sorry I forgot to tell you." Ken said as he sat up. "Sorry or not your grounded for a week." His dad said. When Ken didn't reply, he said, "Your dinner is in the microwave you better hurry up and eat it." Ken's dad walked out of the room.

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