Vertalen   11 jaren geleden

Big Brother pt 4 The next day, I went round to Carla's again. When I arrived, Noah answered the door again. "Hey." He said, "How are you?" "Great, yeah." "Carla and my mum aren't in, but they should be back in about two hours." "Oh." I sighed; my house is an hour away, what was I going to do for two hours without any money? "You could wait here until they come if you want." Suggested Noah. "That sounds great, actually." I stepped inside. "Do you want to see my invention?" He enquired. "Sure!" I made my way upstairs behind him and into his room. He gestured for me to sit down and we sat together on the floor and he began to show me his creation. It was pretty cool actually, and he said it was designed to iron your clothes for you. It was a present for his mum. As he was explaining all the parts and their functions, his eyes lit up and he truly looked beautiful. Although he is two years older than me, I still have always thought of him as a sort of step-brother. He leaned forward to show me one last bit, and put his hand down on mine. He turned to face me and we just sat there for a whole minute, staring into each other's eyes. When he finally moved, it was to hold my hand properly. I did not resist. As we sat there, our hands clasped together, I realised that Noah was something a little more than a step-brother to me. Simultaneously, we brought our heads together, and our lips touched. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. I had never kissed someone whom I had been so passionate about, and it was like tasting Nutella for the first time. His warm lips felt like pure gold, and his heart, in his chest was beating like a stampede of elephants, trying to escape from his chest. Mine felt much the same. When we finally parted, he stayed close, and held me tight. I gazed into his dreamy chocolate eyes and hugged him back. "Oh, Beth." He said. "Noah." And then he swept me away with another kiss.

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