Brooke-n Chapter2 People tell me it's no fair to hate my parents. But thanks because no ones ever on my side. No one knows what I'm going through either. I've been thinking about reporting child abuse, but then Macy and I would be orphans! I wouldn't do that to my sister! I don't want to do that to my sister. But eventually, it's gonna have to happen. "Hey Brooke!" Shouted Josh Brooke's secrete crush. Finally! Though brooke. Half way through her thought he shouted "n!" Brooke-n, that name is getting old. But I guess that's a name to scratch off the prom. If only she knew who started her "nickname" so she could report the main reason of all the bullying. Wow! I really need to start reporting earlier! Thought brooke annoyed as she watched the popular girls walk but on purpose. "Heeeey Brooke." Said the leader of their pathetic little group, Izzy. Despite your like, awful since of fashion, we're allowing you to sit with us at our like, popular table. Of closures I knew they were all ganging up on me. Like before, and before, and before, and before. So I just passed. Again. After time after time after time after time after time. Clearly they spend more time in front of the mirror than they do paying attention in class, because they're not smart enough to realize I stopped coming to their "lunch invites after the second time! After school,same old routine. My parents ignore me, Macy asks how school went. I say bad, she asks why. I just ingnore her and go up to my room to do home work. Another thing that's getting old! Dear God please five me a normal #life with normal parents and UGH! What's the use. Written By Madison and Mckenzie Ziegler With lots of love to the fans!
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