Pokemon Red's Adventures Part 1 It's finally here. The day I get my first pokemon. It's 6 am and I sprint to oak's place hoping to get there before blue. "Hello red, are you a boy or a girl." He asks me when I get there. "A boy, professor. I've been your neighbour for 8 years." This goes on for a while until he asks me what pokemon I want. There are only 2 left, damn. Blue must have got here. Bulbasaur was already taken. That's alright, I'll choose squirtle anyway. "Squirtle, I choose you!" Just then blue came in. "Hey gramps I'm ready for my pokemon!" Wait! If blue is here then who took bulbasaur? " just in time blue. But I only have charmander left because red took squirtle and a girl named leaf took bulbasaur." Said oak. " that's fine, I was gonna choose charmander anyway." Says blue. "So red how about a battle. "You're on!" ..... 1 hit KO! Blue wins. " ha, better luck next time red, I'll see you when I'm champion of the pokemon world! Coming soon part 2 Can red defeat blue? Will we find out who leaf is? Can red become a pokemon master? Tune in tomorrow, same time for part 2

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