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Animalistic Chapter 2 Beep! Beep! My alarm clock goes off. I open my eyes and sit up. The clock reads 60 A.M. I sigh and get out of my bed. I put on my uniform that my school requires. The uniform is a gray polo shirt, black dress pants and a black blazer, or a gray sweater vest, you get to chose. Everything in this town is so plain. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I walk over to the fridge. On the fridge are three different types of cereal. Lucky Marshmallows, Fruit Rings, and Frosted Wheat. I grab the box of Frost Wheat and pour the cereal into a bowl. I eat them pain without milk, I guess I kinda fit in this town. Danica comes into the kitchen and pours herself a bowl of Lucky Marshmallows. She doesn’t fit well in this town. If school didn’t have a uniform, she would be wearing rainbow colored shirts and pants to school. Even with the uniform she always wears rainbow socks. I finish eating and sit still for a moment listening. I can hear the school bus coming. My power not only allow me to turn into a dog, it makes me able to hear and smell better than ordinary humans can. I can also hear better Danica, but she can see better than I can. “The bus is here.” I tell her and stand up. I put my bowl in the sink and walk outside to wait for the bus to stop. Danica joins me a few seconds after I get outside. The bus stops in front of our house and the doors open. The bus is a pale grayish color, some people say it use to be yellow, but it looks like it’s always been gray to me. We get on the bus and sit down next to each other. There are very few kids that are already on the bus, but most of the kids get on the bus after us. Not many kids live on our block, only Oscar, who I never talk to. The inside of the bus is worse than the outside of the bus. The windows are covered with mold. Most of the seats have a weird sticky spot. The flow is covered with gum, trash, and old food. And don’t even get me started on the smell, garbage trucks smell better than this bus. I don’t think they have ever cleaned this bus once since they got it. Whenever I'm on this bus I wish I couldn't smell better than everyone else can. Suddenly something hit the bus. A few kids get knocked out of their seats. Then the bus gets hit again, so forcefully that the bus gets tipped over. All the kids sitting on the right side of the bus fall out of their seats. Everything becomes every quiet. No one dares make a sound. Then something hit the front of the bus causing the windshield to shatter. I turn towards the front of bus to see what hit the bus. I see a huge brown bull trying to get in the bus through the broken windshield. Everyone starts to scream. I look over at Danica to see if she is ok. She looks ok, a few scratches on her face, but she seems able to move. “We have to get out of here.” I whisper to her. “We have to get everyone out of here.” She corrects me. “We don’t have time to save everyone.” I object and look over at the bull, he was almost inside the bus. “Yes we do. You hold off the bull and I’ll get everyone out of the bus.” She says. I nods reluctantly, because there isn't much time to argue with her. I turn into a wolf and run towards the front of the bus. The bull still hasn't made it into the bus, I think he's too big to fit inside it. The bull is starting to get frustrated and hits the side of the bus with it's head. The bus slides a few feet and every inside the bus gets knocked around. I get thrown off my feet and crash into one of the seats. It takes me a few seconds before I get back on my feet. I get the front of the bus and jump through the busted windshield. The large bull stands a foot or two in front of me. I let out a low growl, the hair on my back start to stand up. The bull thrusts it's large horns towards me. I jump out of the way, just barely dodging the attack. I run behind the bull. The bull kicks backwards with it's hind leg and hits my side. I get knocked backwards. The bull turns around and charges towards me. I jump out if the way, but it's horns scram against my back. I turn back to the bull. I run and jump on the bull's back. I dig my teeth into the back of it's neck as it tries to buck me off. The bull soon bucks my off it's back and sends my flying into the side of the bus. "Todd!" A voice calls from behind me. I turn my head and see Danica. I stand up and quickly walk over to her. "Everyone is out of the bus. Now we just need to get out of here." "Ok I can distract the bull for a little longer." I say and turn back to the bull, it was heading out way. I run towards the bull. The bull knocks me across the road. I lay for a few seconds then drag myself to my feet. Before I was fully standing the bull knocks into me again. It takes me even longer to stand up, but the bull hits me again before I can fully stand. I try to stand, but my feet buck from underneath me. I lay waiting for another hit from the bull, but it doesn't come. I hear foot steps coming towards me. I start to hope that they belong to Danica. I open my eyes and see a big guy with brown hair. He looks like he is about eighteen. I've never seen him before, I start to wonder where he came from. He kneels down in front of me. He has a smile on his face, but it was a malicious smile. "Don't worry little doggie. You'll be safe soon." He whispers and pats my head. He grabs my scruff and stands up. I don't know what he's doing and I'm doing to let him do this. I start to wriggle around, but his grip doesn't loosen. I stop wriggling and go limp. I am just wasting the little energy I have left. "Let him go!" A voice yells. There is a cat screech and the guy lets out a yelp and he drops me. I look over at the man and see a large tabby cat attacking him. I blink for a moment then realize that the tabby cat is Danica. I'm trying to stand up when the guy has Danica by the scruff and he runs down an allie. I jump my feet and limp after them. When I retch the allie they are already gone. I lay down and stare at the empty allie.

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