Traducciones   11 años

Anomalistic Chapter 1 The last rays of sun warms my brown fur. It feels good, but it won’t last long. Winter is coming up fast. For me winter doesn’t really affect my #life too much, but for wild dogs it means #life is about to get pretty ruff. In winter food is scarce and it’s hard to find shelter from snow storms. I stand up and stretch the stiffness out of my legs. The sun has disappeared and left the world dark. The only light is coming from the old lamp posts on every corner of the streets. I walk on the sidewalk passing empty stores. Most of the stores are boarded up, others have broken windows. Not many stores survive in this part of town. That’s why I often come here, because no one’s around. I walk a few streets over where a bunch of houses are. All the house look the exact same. All are one storied. All have two windows with a door in between the windows. And all are gray. It’s hard to tell one house from the other, the only way is by the numbers next to the door. The house that I live in has the number 1005. I’ve accidently went into our neighbor’s house instead of my house before. I walk around back and walk through the dog door. That is one difference between some houses, not all of them have dog doors. The dog door leads to the kitchen. My mom is standing in the kitchen as I enter. She looks like she’s cooking something, she hears me come in and looks over at me and frowns. “How many times have I told you not to go out as a dog?” She asks in a frustrated voice. “About a million. I don’t get why not. I’m safer being a dog out there. If I go out as a human someone will shoot me, but who would shoot a random dog walking around?” I tell her as I transform into a human. Ever since I can remember I’ve had the power to turn into a dog and back into a human. I don’t know how I or why I can do this, all I know is that I am able to do it. “Because one of the neighbors might see you and ask me when I got a dog. Then they will be asking why you look so much like the dog and why you and the dog are never in the same place. Or while you’re out someone picks you up and decides to keep you as a pet. Have you ever thought of that?” She replies angrily. I roll my eyes. No one would try to keep me as a pet. “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” She snaps so suddenly it makes me jump. She sighs and then continues in a softer voice, “You know I’m only doing this for your protection. Who knows what people would do to you if they found out what you and your sister can do?” When I don’t reply she says, “Go wash up and tell your sister that dinner is almost done.” “Ok.” I turn and walk out of the kitchen. I walk into the bathroom and start washing my hands. They get pretty dirty after walking around as a dog.After I finish washing my hands I walk into my sister's room. Her room is plain white like the rest of the house. The only thing with color in the room is her and a poster of a kitten holding on to a branch saying "Hang in there". She looks a lot like me. Her eyes are a grayish color, like mine. And her hair is brown like mine, only her hair is a little lighter than mine. She was sitting on her bed reading a book. "Hey, Danica." I call her and interrupt her from reading. "What's up?" She looks up from her book. "Dinner's almost done." I tell her. "Ok, thank you." She replies and I walk out of her room. She has powers like me, except instead of turning into a dog, she turns into a cat. I walk back into the kitchen and sit down at the table. My mom has set the table and is putting the food she made on the plates. She made spaghetti, Danica's favorite food. Danica walks into the kitchen and sits down next to me. After mom finishes putting the spaghetti on our plates she sets them down in front of us and sits down across the circular table. We start to eat the spaghetti. "It's good." I lie, I really hate spaghetti, but it's better than nothing. "Thank you.” It's pretty quiet for a while, until mom asks, "How did your science test go?" "I think I did good. It was really easy." Danica replies, before I can. "I knew almost every question. The test was basically the study guide." "How about you, Todd?" Mom looks over at me. "What about me?" I ask, pretending not to be listening. "Your science test, how did it go?" She repeats the question. Me and Danica are twins, so that means all of our classes are the same. I'm not dumber than her, I'm just lazier than her. "I don't know we haven't gotten the results back yet." I tell her. "I know that, you did the test today. How do you think you did?" She asks. "I can't say, still haven't gotten the results back." I shrug and start playing with a spaghetti noodle. Mom rolls her eyes and goes back to eating.

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