The Unexpected-the Introduction I was 14 when it all started, the day was young and the air was fresh, the world sang the song of new #life which wanders, the clouds all fluffy and white stood besides the sun as its helping companion, the grass crispy from the frost that night and the sight of school in the distance grew stronger. I awoke that morning dragging myself up and forcing myself to get ready for the day which lay before me. It wasn't long till I reached the school grounds, the place on which #life and spirit ends. Everything was normal that day, the girls stay all lunch in the bathroom putting on make up as the men discuss the football which was on the night before. When I arrived at school the bell had just ring as I sped up my walk to reach my tutor lesson I was joined by my best friend, the girl who is shy pretty and never alone she is the one who causes the fuss between the men, her eyes sparkle in the sunlight like another sun, her hair is so dark like a ravens wing, her height was 4 foot 3, which isn't very tall. Me on the other hand, I am short, with ginger hair and glasses as thick as a 30cm ruler, I am quite skinny with no boys waiting for me. We are completely opposite but we have know the day will arrive when we would fall out and go our own ways but little did we know that I Charlotte Elizabeth and Emily Robinson would have to work together to survive or leave each other at our grave...

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