The Paris Trip Part 1 I woke up and immediately felt sick. Me were landing in Paris. Yes, yes, I should be happy but planes and me equals sickness. My boyfriend, Nathan was next to me sleeping. I kissed him awake and he cuddled me. He knew about my phobia of planes and heights and all that. Once we landed we went inside the airport. The weather was good. But I have to say that America was better. It took two hours to get to passport control and get our luggage. Once we'd left the airport, we called a cab to go to our hotel. La Promier. I looked out the window, it was the crack of dawn but already people were out buying baguettes. We arrived at the hotel and checked in. Nathan paid for a suite and it was amazing! One king sized beds with two separate dressing rooms and a kitchen and a dining room and the main hall! But Nathan did come from a wealthy family. I hugged his muscular chest and kissed him. Nathan was tall and fair and had a muscular chest with a body of an athlete. He had beautiful icy blue eyes and light pink lips. He was gorgeous. Now me on the other hand, Becky, I had icy blonde hair, almost white, with emerald green eyes and pink lips. I was quite short and not too skinny. Nathan whispered to me, his eyes watching me. He pulled me closer and took off hi shirt revealing his muscular chest. And he pushed me on the bed.

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