Traducciones   11 años

How It Began (3): The Oracle Elijah picked up his history book and began walking down the isles of desk in the class room. Mr. White was at the front of the classroom looking hard at the assignments his peers had just turned in. As he walked past the front row of desks Mr. White looked up and said with a serious note in his voice "Elijah I'd like to talk to you for a moment." At times Elijah found it hard to look Mr. White directly in the eyes, it was a common rumor that he was albino and the odd shade of his iris' made you constantly ponder the thought. Of course the chalky skin and white hair didn't help either. But at the moment that wasn't all together the problem Elijah was having. He hadn't been doing much work lately in Mr. Whites class, not due to a lack of understanding, but mostly due to the fact that he saw no reason to study History like the rest of his courses. He didn't see the point to it, he thought the past was exactly that, the past. Elijah looked Mr. White in the eyes, determined not to let himself be shaken by fear. "I don know, I have to get to p.e. and I've already been tardy to many times this year." he said taking a few steps towards the door. Mr. Whites lips had risen into a small smirk, and the glasses on his face lifted slightly. "Maybe had you not been sleeping when the bell rung you would have made to class on time." he said looking back down to the papers in front of him " regardless your in no form of trouble, and I can easily write you a note so come sit down please." Mr white said politely gesturing toward the desk directly in front of the himself. Elijah walked over to the desk and sat slumped in his chair defeated. He had known his misdirection wouldn't work on the teacher but he figured it couldn't harm him to try. Since Mr. White had said he wasn't in any trouble his nerves where more at ease. " I've noticed you get excellent grades in every other one of your courses but your suffering terribly in my class. Are my assignments to hard? I'm not apossed to helping you with the subject matter, I have enough free time on my hands, and none of the other students have never asked." Mr. White said all the while sorting through the days assignments. He looked up when Elijah gave no response. How do you tell your history teacher you think history is boring. Without thinking about it those words came falling out his mouth. He was in instant regret, thinking Mr. White would get upset with home. He liked Mr. White. He made the class interesting, the way he would walk around the room telling stories of the civil war, of great leaders like Alexander the great, and underdogs such as William the conquerer. He made history interesting giving the student visualization of the topic at hand, never hesitating when some one raised there hand, to stop his lecture and quickly answer the students question. Mr. Whites face had a look of wonder and improbability. "How can that be the case History is everything, it is now, even today history will be made but the only ones who know it are the ones who will write it in a hundred years. Of course you've heard the phrase history is determined to repeat itself? Many mistakes would be made when all you had to do was learn from the mistakes that have already been made." Elijah said " I understand what you mean, it's just I hate opening this huge history book and reading about one culture then another in quick glances, it's hardly ever thorough, and I don't know I just get bored fast." he sat up a little straighter in his desk, now that he thought about it it would be a good idea to get some extra help from Mr. White. Suddenly it seemed like a brilliant idea, like there could be no harm in it. A shiver ran down Elijah's spine he felt like a part of him had just some how changed but just as fast as he felt in it was gone. " I would love to study with you Mr. White, but I really should be getting to class, what time would be good for you?" Elijah said standing up from the desk. "4 o'clock on Thursday's, meet me here if you aren't here the door will be lock at 4:10, I suggest you pay more attention in math, as not to repeat an incident like today's" Mr. White said another smirk rising upon his face, as he handed Elijah the slip he had promised. Elijah left the class room with a weird sense of accomplishment. That night Elijah dream of people burning, as he sat on the rooftop of a building not yet on fire, looking over the streets. He watched there souls drift up to the sky and then watched them get pulled back down through there body's into the ground. He smiled as he watched some of the souls flying high past the realms of earth into the Beyond. A tear fell from his eye and he felt a strong reassuring hand cusp is shoulder. Suddenly he felt fine, he looked at the boots of the man standing there, at there little carvings witch he knew to be made of bones, looked up the whole suit examining where some blood had stained the chest plate a crimson red, the he looked at the mans arms and saw the fresh blood coating them. As he looked into the mans face be was filled with more reassurance,then a part of his conscious brain saw the resemblance of the man to his History teacher, on this man had eyes the colors of endless emeralds and his hair was pitch black. He stood up and slipped on a wet spot on the edge of the roof and was instantly awake back home in his bed. The ceiling above him had two almond shaped blue lights shining. As he sat up to get a closer look the two shapes fee smaller and jumped down farther two his feet. Then he looked over at the mirror on the wall to the left of his bed, and saw that his eyes looked like two swirling balls of blue energy. He fainted.

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