Shining Gold "Mr.Younger do you know what you have done?!" What did I do? Look around you Mr. Younger, total destruction. I looked up, eyes blurry from being nocked out. Wasn't quite sure where I was, it looked like a city. As my eyes got clearer, I began to see what was happening. It looked like wherever I was ,was on fire. What's going on? The bomb when off, you were to late! What bomb? What was I late for? I looked over to see who was talking to me. It was a short man with a shoe on his head that seemed to be his hat. He wasn't young, but not real old either, probably in his 60s. He kept on saying something over and over again, something that sounded tragic, like losing hope in all you believed in. I closed my eyes, and it was all gone. I woke up in my bed with the sun pouring in my window and the sound of my alarm clock going off.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère