Translate   11 years ago

Cliché Anyone Prologue Hi, my name is Kristina Hughs, Kris for short; I'm seventeen going into my senior year of high school. Ya know, you would think I would be ecstatic, last year of high school!! Yah!! But no, I'm not. The reason for this is because my #life is cray, simple as that. Not one bit of my cray #life is normal. Oh! Do you think your #life is crayer than mine?! HA! Don't make me laugh! Oh just did. Yeah, you're probably really confused, let me esplain everything to you Lucy. (Cue wave effects and dream music) Chapter 1 It was June 6, 2011. My mom and dad were packing my bags practically singing The Sound of Music. Why? Because after months of applications, my parents have finally gotten my into the foreign exchange program. Yah! -__- They just couldn't wait to get rid of me. So off I was to an entirely different country, no friends, no nothing. I was off to Great Britain, London !to be exact. See, okay; I love Britain as much as the next chick but, I'm a California girl! Not some ditzy blonde obsessed with shopping, oh hex nah! I skateboard bro! I need the sun! During the drive to the airport, my parents were going on and on about how much fun I'll have living on my own. Um...I'm pretty sure parents don't want their kids living on their own, in a different country, at seventeen. Or maybe that's just me. "Oh Kristina! I'm sure you're going to have a splendid time in London! And maybe catch a boy while your at it." My mom giggled and winked at me. UGH! Of course she would mention getting a boyfriend. Well I'm sad to say that unlike her, I was more focused on my skateboarding than who the sexiest guy on the beach was. I remember my mom reminiscing her high school years and how she was floored with guys asking her out on a daily basis. She was the typical blonde, skinny, gorgeous, and the envy of the entire school. But she was smart, like top five percent of her senior class smart; well at least there was one thing I was proud of inheriting from her. "Yeah pumpkin, call us anytime. This is your time to shine and show those Brits what a gem you are." My dad says this with a smile plastered on his lips; I really love my dad, like for realz love my dad. At every single skateboarding competition he was the loudest one cheering while my mom slathered SPF 100 on her precious skin. As we pulled into the airport, butterflies erupted in my stomach. Both my mom and dad turned in their seats, their smiles burned a whole in my heart. I stared at them trying to memorize their faces. My dad: caramel skin, a handsome and regal face, light brown eyes sparkling with unshed tears. My mom: ivory skin and deep green eyes, easily a gorgeous beauty with an amazing personality. My mom's curly blonde hair cascaded like a river of honey as she stretched to reach me, she patted my knee. "You best get going Kristina, wouldn't want to miss your flight." I noticed her eyes were welling up. I grinned at my parents, "Guys don't sweat it! You know I got this! When I'm done, those Brits won't know what the heck hit 'em!" I laughed, my dad broke into a grin saying, "That's my girl." I got out of the car and went to the driver's side door."Take care dad", I said hugging him through the window. "Kristina, are you going to go into the airport or do we have to wait for the waterworks to start?!!" Screeched my mom, sniffling iinto a tissue. I leaned in through the window and smiled at her, "Love you too mom."

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