So Hi? Hello, welcome to this blog, dairy thingy. I don't really know what to call this blog, I guess I should tell you guys/gals a bit about myself. Well my name is Ellie nellie, yes my pearents did call me, that weird right. I am 11 years old and I love to write, read, do jigsaws and horse riding. I am currently in my first year of high school ( st gens) so far I love it. Have some mates already and some people I wonder why their parents even decided to do the nasty. For the last two days I haven't been in school, No I wasn't skiving already, I am sick with a bug which really stinks. I don't really know how to end this blog thing, let alone give it a nice name, I guess I will just update this maybe dalily? Or when I just want to talk. Bye. Ellie Nellie jkk