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The River Of Styx And The Garden Of Eden Okay I need a little help from you brilliant writers! So I want to write a story based on both the catholic religion revolving around the garden of Eden and mix it with Greek mythology revolving around the river of Styx. Eden was a place of fertility and growth and beauty while Styx was a river of hatefulness. I was thinking of doing a story along the lines of twins named Adam and Eve. I want to start it with them moving to a new town after the death of their mother. This town is particularly dark. It's often cloudy and all together I want itTo have a dark feeling. The house they move in to is next to a cemetery where eve (who can see the ghosts) meets a ghost named Styx who is guarded by Charon (pronounced like Karen). Styx is told to be like the other ghosts who were taught by Lethe (leth-ee) to forget their former lives. (Lethe is the river of forgetfulness) Styx wants to still be connected with the living realm though, but Charon is constantly pulling Styx back. Does the plot sound okay? Should Styx be a boy or girl? Age ranges? I want them to have child-like innocence but at the same time I don't want like a 7 hear old kid and I don't want that snobby teenager. What else could I add? What could I do to make a stronger plot?

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