Traducciones   13 años

1 chapter story Is Crap It all started when I was 12 years old, the rumble It has never stopped Halted Or moved It's always underneath my feet. I'm now 15 so it's been going on for 3 years. It could be the plumbing,well I hope it is because I don't know what else it could be. I woke up this morning with a terrible pain in my left arm, so I went to our first aid cupboard when I felt it again. I don't know if anyone can feel it or it is just me, but it feels like a mini earthquake underneath my feet,underneath the floor boards. I wonder what is going on down there. I wonder if I should tell someone. 'no,' I thought to myself its been going on for 3 years what harm can it do to anyone,but I have been thinking that for the past 3 years... -need inspiration for next part of story have writers block

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