Translate   11 years ago

Hi, I am on a quest to find a hobby, a meaningful hobby that will completely engage my mind. Having just returned from Dave's house, I am now armed with a modest array of suggestions to engage my occasional creativity. These are as follows: Geocaching Magic Origami Lockpicking Stop motion animation Orchestral composition There are two things you need to know at this point. 1) I have known Dave for years, he is a successful businessman for a major helicopter contractor in command of nauseating financial budgets. He is modest, mostly clearheaded and and fanatical about cold camping. I like Dave. 2) I am currently off work with an array of internal mental issues. Which have been mainly continuous for the past four months. I will not say anything more about these at present For the short term I require an interest that will instantly engage me to divert me from my internal obsessions. Examining the above list from my current state of mind, I will give you immediate impressions. 1 geocaching I have little idea what this is. My impression is that is comprises a marriage of smart phone GPS enabled technology with old school treasure hunting. I don't have a smart phone. 2 Magic I.e. Learn a magic trick. Fuck that. 3 Origami. see suggestion 2 4 Lock picking. I have researched this in the past and found it uninteresting. 5 Stop motion animation. See suggestion 2 6 Orchestral composition ... This is a possibility albeit a minor one. I have additional memory of him offering many other suggestions, none of which offered immediate buoyancy.

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