übersetzen   11 Jahre

Captain I remember the day vividly. It was snowing. A few days after the old holiday I used to celebrate before the fall: Christmas. The pale snow turned crimson... Blaire and I raced along on horseback. We could hear the battle ahead. I looked over at Blaire, her face was twisted into a determined scowl as she kicked her horse's flanks. I turned back to my path myself and felt the cold snow pelting my eyes and numb fingers. We finally skidded to a stop on a small incline above the battle. The rebels were losing. Killian's followers were devouring us. Literally. Bodies lay with bite marks and missing limbs. I looked over as Blaire raised her sword and looked over at me. I had a strange feeling as I did the same. Then we galloped into battle. I will admit when we arrived the battle began to turn into our favor. Cannibals fell to the ground like dead trees, their blood distracted the others as we kept slicing them into pieces. Blaire and I fought back to back. The teacher and student. The mentor and apprentice. Everything I had ever learned from Blaire seemed to guide me through every cut of my sword. That's when we pushed to different sides yet as I was fighting off a cannibal I turned around to check on Blaire. I only saw her back and blood flew through the air. She fell to her knees and it all happened in slow motion. Killian stood over her with a smile of satisfaction on his face. That's when fellow rebel soldiers saw the scene and raced to help. It was too late. The coward Killian raced off before anyone could get to him. I sliced through a record of cannibals out of rage and an urge to help Blaire. When I got to her side I fell beside her, I guessed the cool on my cheeks was the combination of wind and tears. Blaire was smiling though. She hardly ever smiled like that. She put a bloody hand on my cheek," Hey girlie" "Blaire hold on!" I demanded. "I've been meaning to tell you how proud I am of you. You have real potential. More than me and Mason--" I cut her off. "Be quiet Blaire! Just stay with me" I yelled. "It's too late Lil'.I wanted to die for my friends...my new family. I wanted a chance at that bastard Killian at least once and I did that." I kept crying like a young child as I held her head. Blaire kept murmuring things about her time her and how it was the greatest thing that ever happened to her. How I got the crap beaten out of me, when she pushed me out of my bunk, when she helped recruit me when I was thirteen. Then her breathing stopped with one last statement," You'll always be my lil' sis" "I promise I'll kill Killian," I whispered into her hair,"I promise" I shook my head and brought myself to current time. I looked over to my right shoulder. At my captain band. The same one Blaire had worn. I pulled back on the reins of Captain as the stallion stopped. The spring had brought new hope. Alex kicked her mare to Captain's side," What a beautiful place"she said. "This is where Blaire died" I murmured into the wind. Alex looked over at me," That girl you have a picture of?" She asked. I grinned," That's the one" I took a deep breath. I hoped she was proud of me," Hey you coming Argo?!" Someone called from the trail. I turned to a few other rebels on horseback,"That's captain Argo to you! I joked as I cantered off. The good thing is that I never looked back.

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